Wedding photography York Fearless Award 2photodreams
It’s the first round of Fearless Photographers of the season, number 54, you can click HERE to see the complete collection.
The rules have changed and as of this round, the images cannot be edited in certain ways. The rules are more pure, we believe this is a good thing, you have to prove your in-camera skills, nailing the photo when you shoot it and editing it less!
When processing, photos can’t be exaggerated, nor can you select certain areas to become burnt out or darkened, in short, the processing/editing of the photo must be simple and basic. We prefer this and feel it is a great idea, as after all, it’s the photograph and how you captured it that is being judged, not your editing skills.
This isn’t the first wedding photography award for this image
This isn’t the first wedding photography award for this image. It has been awarded in Wedding Photographers Spain in its most recent round and now in Fearless Photographers. It was taken at a wedding in Santander, north Spain.
The venue was Casona de las Fraguas, and this was one of the last shots of the wedding. Just before we left, we saw two children bothering the old chap named “Colombo”, best friend of the couple Manu and Santi. I say best friend because he is really like that, a very important part of this family.
Affectionate, faithful, calm and the most patient dog we have seen in a long time, the children just wanted to play with him, but considering what time it was and the very long day Colombo had had, he was extremely good and all he did was look at them whilst they did all sorts to him.
For those interested, on a technical note, there wasn’t much to highlight. A single flash, off camera, on a stand, located to the right of the scene very close to the wall to highlight it’s texture and oriented towards the faces of the protagonists.
There was not much more to do but wait for the moment we see in the image, intertwined looks, children’s smiles as they put Colombo’s hat on, bless him, the only thing he wanted was to rest.
Wedding planner: La Casona de las Fraguas
Location of the event / Venue: La Casona de las Fraguas
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